According to the European Union, dissemination means sharing research results with potential users and peers – from research, industry, and policy-making fields – and contribute to the progress of science in general.
In this page you will find three kinds of dissemination activities:
- Participation to international academic conferences;
- Conferences’ organization;
- Ad-hoc seminars for the academic community.
Scientific publications (also a form of dissemination), are listed in a separate page of this website.
Participation to conferences
I value scientific conferences for the opportunity to: a) disseminate projects and findings; b) collect useful feedback and constructive criticism; c) learn from other colleagues at the science-policy-practice interface; d) get inspired by action-oriented approaches, through hands-on laboratories, workshops, and artistic sessions; e) weave relations with like-minded minds and hearts from across the world.
To reduce my carbon footprint, I participate to few in-presence conferences, I possibly travel sustainably, or choose to participate only online.
Below is a list of the conferences, events, and dissemination seminars where I shared my work (last updated in June 2024).
Invited Keynote Speeches
Moriggi A. “Caring with people, caring for places: A research on Green Care practices in Finland and its implications for sustainability transformations in places.” Green Care Days 2018, Vuokatti (FI), 31/10/2018. Link to video here.
Oral and Posters Presentations
- Moriggi A., Secco L., Pisani E., “Co-creative visioning for socio-ecological innovations in rural areas”, 13th AIEAA (Associazione Italiana di Economia Agraria e Applicata) Conference “The social sustainability of European Agriculture”, University of Bari, 20/6/2024;
- Moriggi A., Secco L. “Exploring regenerative futures with co-creative methods: a case study in the Italian North-Eastern Alps”, 24th International Futures Conference “Futures of Natural Resources”, University of Turku, 14/06/2024;
- Dalla Torre C., Moriggi A., Gatto P. “Reporpusing historical commons to project traditional forms of governance of natural resources in the future”, 24th International Futures Conference “Futures of Natural Resources”, University of Turku, 13/06/2024;
- Moriggi A., Secco L., Corradini G., “Approcci co-creativi per educare alla complessità del rapporto umani-natura: uno studio empirico nel territorio bellunese”, Aree Fragili 2024 “Ritornare selvatici. Tendenze socio-spaziali nelle aree rurali fragili”, 23/03/2024;
- Angelini A., Secco L., Moriggi A., “Equilibrio uomo-natura: l’esperienza di Rigenera Montagna”, Aree Fragili 2024, “Ritornare selvatici. Tendenze socio-spaziali nelle aree rurali fragili”, 23/03/2024;
- Moriggi A., Secco L., Pisani E., Angelini A., “Cross-sectoral partnerships and knowledge co-production to activate regenerative place-based mindsets in youth”, Transformations Conference 2023 “Transformative Partnerships for a Better World”, University of Sidney, 11/07/2023 [online];
- Moriggi A., Secco L., Pisani E., Angelini A., “Engaging youth in co-creative visioning processes: action-research in the Italian South-Eastern Alps”, 23rd International Futures Conference “Empowering Futures”, University of Turku, 16/6/2023, [online];
- Moriggi A., Secco L., Mammadova A., Corradini G., Pettenella D., Soini K., O’Discroll C., Doimo I., Bertagna Libera G., Rogelja T., “Building capacities for Green Care social innovators: accounts from action-research & training experiences”, Aree Fragili Conference “Agricoltura sociale e lavoro nelle aree rurali fragili”, Rovigo (IT), 24/3/2023;
- Mammadova A., Secco L., Moriggi A., Rogelja T., O’Discroll C., Burlando C., Corradini G., Pisani E., Masiero M., Pettenella D. “Green Care as a pathway to revitalise fragile areas: a generative dialogue around key economic and institutional challenges”, Aree Fragili Conference “Agricoltura sociale e lavoro nelle aree rurali fragili”, Rovigo (IT), 24/3/2023;
- Secco L., Moriggi A., Da Re R., Pisani E., Burlando C., Gallo D., Pettenella D., Masiero M., Gatto P., Aguanno M. “Il ruolo dei GAL per lo sviluppo locale in aree rurali: spunti di riflessione da un progetto pilota in Val Belluna alla luce della programmazione comunitaria 2021-2027”. LVIII Convegno SIDEA, 29-30/09/2022;
- Moriggi A., Secco L., Pisani E. “Eliciting non-human empathy through co-creative visioning: A case study in the Italian South-Eastern Alps”, Global Mountain Sustainability Forum, 4/10/2022 [online];
- Moriggi A., Secco L., Pisani E., Da Re R., Burlando C., Andriollo E., Aguanno M. “Supporting community-driven social innovation through co-production of knowledge: the case of LAG Prealpi Dolomiti”, Global Mountain Sustainability Forum, 4/10/2022 [online];
- Moriggi A., Secco L., Pisani E., Aguanno M. “Co-creative visioning in the Italian South-Eastern Alps: VERVE’s multi-level methodological approach”, European Rural Sociology Congress, 21/6/2022 [online];
- Mammadova A., Moriggi A., Rogelja T., Secco L., Pettenella D., O’Driscoll C., Doimo L. “Going back to nature. Forest-based care as a pathway to shift in values and uses of forests.” Aree Fragili Conference “Empatia agrosilvopastorale”, Rovigo (IT), 18/3/2022 [online];
- Moriggi A. “Using creative methods to elicit non-human empathy and regenerative future visions. A participatory action-research with Finnish Green Care practitioners.” Aree Fragili Conference “Empatia agrosilvopastorale”, Rovigo (IT), 18/3/2022 [online];
- Moriggi A., Pearson K.R. “Transforming modes of knowledge production using creative and arts-based methods.” Transformations Conference “Enabling positive tipping points in an uncertain world”, 18/6/2021 [online];
- Brombal D., Moriggi A. “Envisioning the future of the Belt & Road initiative: Theoretical and methodological tools to foster interspecies caring and socio-ecological transformations.” Conference “Humanities, Ecocriticism, and Multispecies Relations”, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Venice (IT), 28/9/2020 [online];
- Moriggi A. “Is action-research a form of moral entrepreneurship? Proposing a resourcefulness approach to understand researchers’ positionality.” SUSPLACE Final Event “Exploring places & practices through transformative methods”, Tampere (FI), 8/5/2019;
- Moriggi A. “How transformative is participatory research for sustainability? Reflections on the engagement of communities with photo-voice & co-creation workshops.” “Leverage Points, International conference on sustainability research and transformation”, University of Leuphana (DE), 6/2/2019;
- Moriggi A., Soini K., Franklin A., Roep D. “Why care matters to sustainability transformations: the importance of ethically-informed practices, relational responsibility & emotional awareness.” “Leverage Points, International conference on sustainability research and transformation” University of Leuphana (DE), 5/2/2019 [Poster presentation];
- Moriggi A., Grenni S. “Arts-based methods for transformative engagement of human and non-human worlds. Reflections on a year of practice.” YHYS (Finnish Society for Environmental Social Sciences) Colloquium NatureCultures, University of Lapland (FI), 23/11/2018;
- Moriggi A. “Ethical doings for transformative research: Experimenting with participatory mapping, photo-voice and creative workshops.” Wageningen PhD Symposium “Bridging science & society”, Wageningen University (NE), 17/5/2018;
- Moriggi A. “Exploring place-based pathways to sustainability in Finland’s rural areas: The case of Green Care practices.” XXVII European Rural Sociology Congress “Uneven processes of rural change”, University of Krakow (PL), 27/7/2017;
- Moriggi A., “Can Green Care practices transform places? Introducing the elements of a novel theoretical framework.” HopefulNESS 2017 (the 13th Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference), University of Tampere (FI), 6/6/2017;
- Moriggi A. “The gender and climate change debate: Tackling or reinforcing existing power relations?” Undisciplined Environments (International Conference of the European Network of Political Ecology – ENTITLE), KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE), 21/3/2016;
- Moriggi A. “Climate change discourse in China: what space for a gender perspective?” EACS 2016, St. Petersburg University (RU), 25/8/2016;
- Moriggi A., Brombal D. “Investigating the rationale of public participation in China’s environmental impact assessment. A recent case study from Beijing.” CHEW (China’s Health Environment and Welfare) Conference, University of Oxford (UK), 8/5/2015;
- Moriggi A. “Shanghai at a sustainability turning point. Theoretical and methodological approaches to assess urban sustainability.” City Portraits: Shanghai. International Conference, IUAV and Ca’ Foscari University Venice (IT), 25/5/2015;
- Moriggi A., “Environmental activism in China: two case studies.” International Workshop of the EU FP7 Project POREEN, China and the Good Governance of Markets in Light of Economic Development, Peking University School of Government, (CH), 23/07/2013.
Facilitated Workshops & Practice Sessions
- Secco L., Mammadova A., Moriggi A., Pisani E., Rogelja T., Doimo I., O’Driscoll C., Masiero M. “Forest and human health and wellbeing: current experiences and future perspectives.” 4th International Forest Policy Meeting, 27-29/94/2022. Participatory panel [held online];
- Moriggi A. “Navigating place-based entrepreneurship through action-research. Field visit to Tikanmäki care farm.” Workshop and field visit. SUSPLACE Final Event “Exploring places and practices through transformative methods”, Tampere (FI), 9/5/2019;
- Pearson K., Grenni S., Moriggi A., Vrieze Anke de, Pisters S. Nieto M. “Action-Hub. Arts-based methods for transformative design.” Practice Session. Transformations Conference “Transformations in practice”, Centre for Environmental Change and Human Resilience (CECHR), University of Dundee (UK), 31/8/2017.
Organization of conferences
Susplace Final Event (2019)
I was part of both Scientific and Organizing Committees of the Final Event of the EU-funded project SUSPLACE (short for Sustainable Place Shaping). The Event was titled “Exploring places & practices through transformative methods”. It brought together around 70 international participants, spanning science, practice, art, and policy sectors. We designed a dynamic program, with plenaries, panel discussions, artistic expressions and performances, and field trips to Finnish case studies. All activities were structured according to three underlying themes:
- Disruptive and creative methods
- Engaging people
- Ethical doings
A Visual Story of the Event can be found at this link, highlights from the different sessions can be viewed here, and snapshots of the three days can be seen at this link.

Glocom Final Event (2014)
As Project Manager of the EU-funded project GLOCOM (Global Partners in Contaminated Land Management), I co-organized the final international conference of the event, titled “Common Understanding of the Environmental Pollution: Challenges & Perspectives for EU-China Cooperation”. The conference took place in Beijing, in September 2015. It brought together project partners from Beijing Normal University (BNU), Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences (CRAES), Swedish, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (UNIVE), and Umea University – Sweden (UmU).

Aree Fragili (2023)
In 2023, I was a member of the Organizing Committee of the Convegno Aree Fragili 2023 “Social farming and labour in fragile rural areas”, (Rovigo, IT, 24-24/03/2023).
Seminars for the scientific community
Selected seminars delivered for knowledge exchange, dissemination, and capacity building to different research groups.
N.B. seminars and trainings for educational purposes are listed in this page, whereas those for communication purposes can be found here.
- Visual and creative methods for transformative science: possibilities, challenges, and ethical dilemmas. Centre for Climate Change and Transformation, EURAC Research (IT). Lecture series. 30/10/2024.
- Visioning processes to co-create regenerative futures with rural communities: a workshop. Centre for Space, Place, and Society (CSPS), Wageningen university & Research (NE), 20/2/2024;
- Designing VERVE’s co-creative visioning Labs: a methodological seminar. Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group (FNP) Lunch seminar, Wageningen University & Research (NE), 14/2/2024;
- Using PhotoVoice to engage groups in disadvantaged territories: A roadmap. Seminar for the project EXIT (Exploring sustainable strategies to counteract territorial inequalities from an intersectional approach), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (IT), 12/1/2024;
- Co-creative visioning for the future of rural-mountain areas: the project VERVE. Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group (FNP) Lunch seminar, Wageningen University & Research (NE), 14/11/2023;
- Metodi creativi e partecipativi per comunicare la biodiversità. Lecture for students & practitioners. 56° Corso di cultura in ecologia. Biodiversità in pratica, University of Padova, 22/6/2022;
- Care to transform? An ethics of care-inspired framework to study sustainable change. Viikki Sustainability Research Seminar, Helsus Institute of Sustainable Science, University of Helsinki, Recording available here.
- Co-creating visions of the future with social entrepreneurs in Finland: a place-based resourcefulness approach. Rural Sociology Group (RSO) Lunch Seminar, Wageningen University & Research (NE), 15/4/2019;
- What is fellowship for me? Insights into the adventures of a MSCA fellowship, RECOMS (Resilient and Resourceful Communities) Project Training, Vaasa (FI), 16/9/2018.
- Caring with people, caring for places: A research on Green Care practices in Finland and its implications for sustainability transformations in places, RSO Lunch Seminar, Wageningen University & Research (NE), 16/4/2018.